Oct 21, 2008


1. http://4teachers.org/ - This site offers teachers several different tools to use in the classroom. It has a Rubric maker (Rubistar), an online lesson creator (Trackstar), and much more. This is a site offering great tools for the classroom teacher.2. http://school.discovery.com/teachingtools/teachingtools.html - Discovery Schools offers on online quiz maker, puzzle maker, clip art, lesson planner, and worksheet generator.3. http://teacher.scholastic.com/ - This site is full of information and activities for teachers, including online activities, lesson plans, teaching strategies, and tools. The site can be broken down by grade level in each area. 4. http://www.educationalpress.org/educationalpress/Index.asp - Personal Educational Press gives a teacher the ability to create flashcards, quizzes, bingo boards, and word searches. These can be created using math, reading, writing, geography, science, or government.5. http://www.pics4learning.com/ - This is a copyright friendly site full of pictures that can be used in education. There are almost 50 different categories with subcategories under almost all of them. There are also lesson plans available.6. http://www.teachnology.com/ - This site has a pay and free side. The site has free tools for teachers to create worksheets and handouts of many different varieties. There are also so friendly games, themes, and lesson plans.7. http://www.education-world.com/index.shtml - Education World offers teachers free information on lesson plans, professional development, technology, school issues, and administration. There is a ton of information with links to many different websites.8. http://www.drugabuse.gov/index.html - The National Institute on Drug Abuse website has information for teachers from grades K-12. There are many different PDFs that can be downloaded. There are some online activities, but mostly in the teen section.9. http://www.crayola.com/ - The Crayola Company has a site that offers teachers lesson plans, coloring activities, arts and crafts, and a registration process to log in to the site and receive a free newsletter.10. http://www.microsoft.com/Education/Default.aspx - The Microsoft website has an educator’s section with a searchable database of lesson plans dealing with Microsoft products. There is also a searchable database of tutorials and how-to articles.11. http://www.formsite.com/ - This is a fee-based site that has a free component. The site allows a user to create online surveys that can have multiple formats for questions. The free side only allows a limited number of responses.12. http://www.eduhound.com/ - This website is a compilation of websites that have been found for educators. This site has link to all the different subject areas, conference information, and free magazine subscriptions.13. http://www.educationindex.com/ - This website is an annotated guide full of web sites for educators. This can be searched by subject or grade level. There is also a virtual coffee shop with a place for educators to chat and post information.14. http://www.sciencebob.com/ - This website has several different components for teachers to use. There is a lab section, experiments that can be done with household items, links to science related sites, and follow up lesson plan ideas. 15. http://www.time-for-time.com/ - This is a great resource for teachers working on time skills with students. There are time zone maps with working clocks, lesson plans, worksheet generator, an interactive clock, and activities for the students.16. http://www.hhmi.org/coolscience/index.html - The Howard Huges Medical Institute has a site for teachers and kids. There are some interactive components, but also classroom activities for the teacher to complete with the class offline.17. http://www.kn.pacbell.com/ - This site offers a verity of information for teachers including web tools, references, hot lists, lesson plans, tutorials, activities, and projects for different subject areas. The information relates to the Internet and videoconferencing.18. http://www.abcteach.com/ - This free site also has a pay side with more features. There are printable worksheets, activities, thematic units, and information on portfolios.19. http://www.eduplace.com/ - Offers state resources, monthly themes, printable graphic organizers, as well as activities. There are resources for the different core subject areas, and a kids place with some games, activities, and information tied to schoolbooks. Site by Houghton Mifflin. 20. http://www.dnai.org/index.htm - The DNA Interactive website offers science teachers a wealth of information regarding DNA. There is an interactive time-line, lesson plans, and video-clips about DNA events.21. http://www.elmers.com/idea/index.asp - Elmers offers teacher ideas and projects. The projects are broken down into grade levels and amount of time needed. There is also a side for parents and children.22. http://rtec.org/ - The Regional Technology in Education Resource Center breaks the Country into 11 zones. You can choose the zone you live in and find information on evaluation, professional development, integration, teaching and learning, and special topics all related to technology.23. http://www.think.com/en_us/ - Think is a free website service where teachers can create a web space for their class. The students can also create web spaces and interact with each other and the teacher virtually. This is a free service, but needs approval from a district administrator. It can be tried for free. 24. http://www.cyberbee.com/index.html - This teacher tool offers curriculum ideas, research tools, projects to get involved in, tutorials, links, and more. It is a nice one stop location for information for educators on the internet. There are also some interesting features with mini movies, pictures, and facts.25. http://oll.libertyfund.org/Home3/index.php - This site is the Online Library of Liberty. They have over 1200 books online that are primary source documents. Many are ebook PDF files while others are PDF or websites.26. http://www.discoveryeducatornetwork.com/ - Discovery Education Network offers teachers a space to find educational resources and collaborate with fellow teachers. You will need to register for this site, but if you have an account with Unitedstreaming, it can be used so that more passwords are not required.

(Thanks to William who's leaving tommorow)


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Children's Classic Book Art of the Day