Nov 18, 2008


Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

'Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance to tell her how I feel

If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
And she must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes

So tell that someone that you love
Just what you're thinking of
If tomorrow never comes

Singer: Ronan Keating Song: If Tomorrow Never Comes
Read Lyrics - Forward this Song to your Friends

Nov 12, 2008

Nov 3, 2008

FACTS - Children's thinking process


According to Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist who earned a world wide reputation by studying how child's thinking process develops. To him there are four stages, no child says Piaget, can be pushed or hurried from one of this stages to another.
  1. Lack of awareness (below 6 months)
  2. Object constancy (after 6 months)
  3. Concervancy of mass or volume (7 - 11 yrs)
  4. Adult conceptualization (11 yrs)

Nov 1, 2008


La, bila pulak dia ni jadi bapa penyayang ni?

Bapa mithali - layan je la anak tu!
Ala hadiah kecik je, Pasukan Merah dah pakat tak mahu menang bagi kat Pasukan Biru je, tak bebaloi. Tahun depan kalau hadiah lumayan kereta ke, melancong ke Eropah ke.....melepas lah Wan.

Yang rakan kita ni kenapa ye, orang sibuk makan dia menung, rasa-rasanya dia mengumpat agaknya dalam fikirannya " Lajunya makan! agaknya kalau habis mesti dia ambik aku punya" atau "Tak cukup ni, nak ambil lagi malu"

Dia ni pun, anak seorang boleh lah!

Agaknya dalam ramai-ramai bapa yang menunjukkan dia bapa yang baik (depan orang ramai je)siapalah yang takut isteri atau isteri tak takut kat dia.

Vanakam Sar, Pungut ape tu? atau nak tabur beras kunyit.

Jaga mu Mi, Wan dah kempen dah nak rebut jawatan mu, tengok tu dia dah mula pancing undi, siap bagi duit lagi. Yang jadi penyokong kuat, sapa lagi Fadzli la sapa lagi, tanya Datok K dia bagi apa tu.

Peserta terakhir yang tersingkir dari AF9, silapnya terlupa lirik.

Hadiah terlebih ni, untuk sapa ye? Nak bagi Wahat nanti apa kata yang lain, marah pulak Lan, Zaki atau Kasimi. Kalau nak cabut undi, kena bawak balik, jadi pemangku pengerusi yang tak ada elaun memangku buat keputusan, kita lelong je, tapi tak de pun orang nak masuk lelongan,

Zaki yang ni tuk mu, demo sian kat mu. Tak pe la Ki tahun depan boleh ke ikut sama, nanti tak leh pulok, anak kecik.


Agaknya ayah budak ni masa kecil pun serupa macam anaknya, kalau nak tahu macam mana dia kat sekolah dulu, tanyalah cikgu dia. Mengikut hikayat yang diceritakan dari mulut ke mulut, dia dulu gedebe khabarnya sampai sekarang pun macam tu, bertaubatlah Zailani oooi...

Tendang apa tu? Kalau tengok gaya macam tendangan penalti, masuk gol ke? tendang 5 kali sekali pun tak kena sasaran, ada hati nak main untuk MU poorah, what say you Devan?

Eh buat apa tu, macam gerakan sumo je. Kat mulut tu pulak apa bendanya, macam-macam cara nak menang, peraturan mesti di ikut oi, itu sebab peraturan di buat. Tengok kakak ni, menunjukan kesungguhan, ni tak peraturan kata satu-satu dia buat empat lima sekali, ni baru getah. Kalau hadiah kondo ke, BMW ke atau emas 1 kilo barulah bebaloi. Hadiah hamper je, anggaran RM10 satu hahahaha

Main guli ke?
Ni Wan ni, buat apa lah pulak tu, macam marah je!

Hai Sham, tulah orang kata kahwin, kahwin tak la duduk termenung, tengok anak orang buat apa. Cepat-cepat la kawin Sham. Dengar-dengar calon dah ada, orang mana? Sungai Isap ke, Bukit Sekilau.

Harap gaya je, budak yang kat belakang tu mesti kata "aku tendang lagi baik"

Menari ke apa? Atau......... malas nak cakap


Anak-anak siapa lah ni? Anak Zailani ke? Rupa tak macam Zailani, atau anak Saimi? tapi Saimi tak ikut sama. Pengerusi nak kena undi tak percaya ni, buat program tapi tak ikut sama. Sah anak Mohd Nor, kuah kalau tak tumpah ke nasi kemana lagi, pantang nampak air nak memancing.
Oh, seronoknya makan, perut lapar, sesat jalan pulak. Ke Melaka pun sesat juga, tapi tak pe. Jangan sesat sampai Tokyo sudah, London tak pe. Kalau sesat ke Tokyo, siapa pandai cakap Jepun? Ada orang kata Devan boleh! Hah? Tamil boleh lah.
Buat Hari Keluarga kat Melaka je? Ya lah itu pun susah nak buat, Kat Cherating la, Kuala Rompin la, macam-macam tempat sampai ada yang cadangkan Jakarta, akhirnya orang yang cadang itu, cadang ni tak nampak hidung, ada je alasan, tu baru satu isteri, kalau 2, 3 atau 4 camana?

Akan di update............

(Thanks technology)

Oct 30, 2008

FACTS - 'Who, When, Where'



Though the word 'Kindergarten' means 'Children's garden', goes back only about 160 years, the idea of early childhood goes back to Plato, who advised the community that, it was responsible for educating its young. His ideal commonwealth included a community nursery. Long after his time, in the 15th century, Vittorino de Feltre established in Mantua, Italy, a school that had many characteristics of modern kindergarten education. He called for physical activities, condusive sorroundings, alternating periods of play and study to combat fatigue and boredom. He believed that school should be fun and that teachers should recognise the individual differences in children and lead rather than coerce them.

J. Amos Comenius (17th century) incharged of school in Poland wrote 'The Great Didactic'. He urged the teacher of young children to appeal to child's sensory perceptions and to use material based on the child's own experiences.

Oct 28, 2008

FACTS - 'What I have learned'

Who? : Ministry of Education
Who? : Titan Chemical Corp. Ltd

Where? : The Zone - J. Baru

When? : 23 Oct 2008
While I was on my way to Indon

What? : Plastic Education Program
An Enviroment Conservation
Program for Schools


1. Enviromental Friendly Practices at home
Use cloth towel to wipe kitchen work tables and counters instead of using paper towel. Cloth towels can be reused.
Washing car with a hose waste a lot of water, wash your car with water in a pail.
Use the washing machine when you have full load. This saves energy and water. You can also use the run-off water to wash the floor.
2. Enviromental Friendly Practices at Office
Replace artificial plants with natural one. Promote a green enviroment and mantain adequate oxygen content in the office atmosphere.
Use your own mug in the office instead of using non-biodegradable styrofoam cups. This helps to reduce waste. Make your drink in bulk and have it together with colleagues. This saves energy and more sociable.
Walk instead of driving to have a meal as it save fuel, reduces air pollution and also cut down packaging materials (reduce waste).
3. Enviromental Friendly Practices during Shopping
Use non-disposable products. This can reduce waste and save resources. Disposable diapers are not completely biodegradable.
Select product with less packaging. More packaging means more solid wastes. Buying in bulk is cheaper and save packaging. Buy refillable items.
Select CFC-free enviroment-friendly or energy efficient appliances. CFCs can damage the ozone layer and caurse global warming.
(Congratulation to smart students of SMKTSNI)

FEELINGS - 'What a future this kid has! Every Kid?


One of the kids can become the president of his country.
His teachers "know how"
Life's Echo
A man and his son were walking in the forest. Suddenly the boy trips and feeling a sharp pain he screams, "Ahhhhh." Surprised, he hears a voice coming from the mountain, "Ahhhhh!"Filled with curiosity, he screams: "Who are you?", but the only answer he receives is: "Who are you?" This makes him angry, so he screams: "You are a coward!",and the voice answers: "You are a coward!"
He looks at his father, asking, "Dad, what is going on?" "Son," the man replies, "pay attention!" Then he screams, "I admire you!" The voice answers: "I admire you!" The father shouts, "You are wonderful!", and the voice answers: "You are wonderful!"The boy is surprised, but still can't understand what is going on.Then the father explains, "People call this 'ECHO', but truly it is 'LIFE!' Life always gives you back what you give out! Life is a mirror of your actions. If you want more love, give more love! If you want more kindness, give more kindness! If you want understanding and respect, give understanding and respect! If you want people to be patient and respectful to you, give patience and respect! This rule of nature applies to every aspect of our lives."Life always gives you back what you give out.Your life is not a coincidence, but a mirror of your own doings.
(Thanks Shily)

FACTS - 'What colour is your parachute"

Out of the four walls

Potential Grooming
The Principle's Office

I have been to several schools in our neighbouring countries. The latest a school located in town area. The facilities are far behind compare to what we have.

With USD200++ (senior teachers) and 6 days a week. I was amazed by their attitude and dedication.


Oct 26, 2008

FEELINGS - Are they "rich"? Are we "poor"?

'OURS' (Schools in Malaysia)

'THEIRS' (Schools in Indonesia)

'School is a very special place, probably where a child will get his or her first formal educational experience. Going to school is the single most important continuing even in a child's life, lasting anywhere for years'
What is school ? Buildings? Teachers?, pupils?
What's education all about? Do we need to instil courage and wisdom?

Oct 21, 2008


1. - This site offers teachers several different tools to use in the classroom. It has a Rubric maker (Rubistar), an online lesson creator (Trackstar), and much more. This is a site offering great tools for the classroom teacher.2. - Discovery Schools offers on online quiz maker, puzzle maker, clip art, lesson planner, and worksheet generator.3. - This site is full of information and activities for teachers, including online activities, lesson plans, teaching strategies, and tools. The site can be broken down by grade level in each area. 4. - Personal Educational Press gives a teacher the ability to create flashcards, quizzes, bingo boards, and word searches. These can be created using math, reading, writing, geography, science, or government.5. - This is a copyright friendly site full of pictures that can be used in education. There are almost 50 different categories with subcategories under almost all of them. There are also lesson plans available.6. - This site has a pay and free side. The site has free tools for teachers to create worksheets and handouts of many different varieties. There are also so friendly games, themes, and lesson plans.7. - Education World offers teachers free information on lesson plans, professional development, technology, school issues, and administration. There is a ton of information with links to many different websites.8. - The National Institute on Drug Abuse website has information for teachers from grades K-12. There are many different PDFs that can be downloaded. There are some online activities, but mostly in the teen section.9. - The Crayola Company has a site that offers teachers lesson plans, coloring activities, arts and crafts, and a registration process to log in to the site and receive a free newsletter.10. - The Microsoft website has an educator’s section with a searchable database of lesson plans dealing with Microsoft products. There is also a searchable database of tutorials and how-to articles.11. - This is a fee-based site that has a free component. The site allows a user to create online surveys that can have multiple formats for questions. The free side only allows a limited number of responses.12. - This website is a compilation of websites that have been found for educators. This site has link to all the different subject areas, conference information, and free magazine subscriptions.13. - This website is an annotated guide full of web sites for educators. This can be searched by subject or grade level. There is also a virtual coffee shop with a place for educators to chat and post information.14. - This website has several different components for teachers to use. There is a lab section, experiments that can be done with household items, links to science related sites, and follow up lesson plan ideas. 15. - This is a great resource for teachers working on time skills with students. There are time zone maps with working clocks, lesson plans, worksheet generator, an interactive clock, and activities for the students.16. - The Howard Huges Medical Institute has a site for teachers and kids. There are some interactive components, but also classroom activities for the teacher to complete with the class offline.17. - This site offers a verity of information for teachers including web tools, references, hot lists, lesson plans, tutorials, activities, and projects for different subject areas. The information relates to the Internet and videoconferencing.18. - This free site also has a pay side with more features. There are printable worksheets, activities, thematic units, and information on portfolios.19. - Offers state resources, monthly themes, printable graphic organizers, as well as activities. There are resources for the different core subject areas, and a kids place with some games, activities, and information tied to schoolbooks. Site by Houghton Mifflin. 20. - The DNA Interactive website offers science teachers a wealth of information regarding DNA. There is an interactive time-line, lesson plans, and video-clips about DNA events.21. - Elmers offers teacher ideas and projects. The projects are broken down into grade levels and amount of time needed. There is also a side for parents and children.22. - The Regional Technology in Education Resource Center breaks the Country into 11 zones. You can choose the zone you live in and find information on evaluation, professional development, integration, teaching and learning, and special topics all related to technology.23. - Think is a free website service where teachers can create a web space for their class. The students can also create web spaces and interact with each other and the teacher virtually. This is a free service, but needs approval from a district administrator. It can be tried for free. 24. - This teacher tool offers curriculum ideas, research tools, projects to get involved in, tutorials, links, and more. It is a nice one stop location for information for educators on the internet. There are also some interesting features with mini movies, pictures, and facts.25. - This site is the Online Library of Liberty. They have over 1200 books online that are primary source documents. Many are ebook PDF files while others are PDF or websites.26. - Discovery Education Network offers teachers a space to find educational resources and collaborate with fellow teachers. You will need to register for this site, but if you have an account with Unitedstreaming, it can be used so that more passwords are not required.

(Thanks to William who's leaving tommorow)

Children's Classic Book Art of the Day

Children's Classic Book Art of the Day