Jun 24, 2010

We Are Breeding Ourselves to Extinction


"By far the most dangerous foe we have to fight is apathy - indifference from whatever cause, not from a lack of knowledge, but from carelessness, from absorption in other pursuits, from a contempt bred of self satisfaction" : William Osler (Canadian Physician, 1849-1919)

"My generation's apathy. I'm disgusted with it. I'm disgusted with my own apathy too, for being spineless and not always standing up against racism, sexism and all those other -isms the counterculture has been whinning about for years." : Kurt Cobain (American Musician and Singer of the grunge rock band Nirvana. 1967-1994)

"Apathy is the glove into which evil slips its hand" : Bodie Thoene

Jun 13, 2010



Time is like a river you cant touch the same water twice because the flow that has passed will never pass again so enjoy every moment of life

Children's Classic Book Art of the Day

Children's Classic Book Art of the Day